Services Généraux, Annual Project [006]


This book is a visual exploration of fashion, distilled through the lenses of photographers Antoine and Valentin, the founders of Services Généraux. The duo chose to let their work stand on its own merit, humbly presenting a curated selection of 12 editorials, each bearing a hint of the unexpected. Yet, like all visions, it’s transient and bound to evolve.

In the mind of Services Généraux, the emphasis is not so much on the physicality of the garment but rather on its imagery. Inspired by Roland Barthes’ concept of “vêtement-image”, Antoine and Valentin believe in the power of fashion when perceived through the prism of image-making. For them, the image evoked by a garment is richer and more captivating than the mere fabric itself. This book is about capturing and expressing this vision of fashion, and delving into the experimental realm of image creation.

Together with a collaborative team of talents, models, stylists, and MUA that they both admire and respect, Antoine and Valentin embarked on a journey of artistic exploration. All of this, for the sole purpose of satiating their love for image-making and visual narratives.

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    Services Généraux, Annual Project [006]
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CARTEL and Co. is a creative management and production company founded in 2012, located in NYC and Paris. Working across traditional media and emerging technologies.


Email Address
Telephone Number
+1 646 536 7800


Partner / Agent
Ian Gipe
Partner / Agent
Yoni Ben-Yosef
Jr Agent / Production Coordinator
Juliette d’Udekem d’Acoz
Ellise Wulff
Art Director & Image department
Sofia Iara
Jaime Gipe